Interior Design

Art Gallery in Mumbai

After Completion

Previous Condition

Work in Progress

Computerised 3D Model

Computerised 3D Model of Full Flat


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Residential Flat

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Residential Flat

Experimentation of different Colour Combinations in Computerised 3D Model

Computerised 3D Model

Actual Photo
Computerised 3D Model

Computerised 3D Model

Residential Flat

Living Room
Exterior View fron Living Room

In this Residential Apartment, I have given physical form to a philosophy. The philosophy is that a person can progress due to emotions, only when they are under his control.When emotions get out of control,they create chaos in life. In this wall unit,the off white coloured veneer is a metaphor of our neutral state of mind, which is free from emotions.The squares of different colours, are the metaphors of our emotions. The increase in height of these squares from the floor level, symbolizes progress. These colors are framed in the square shape to show that they are under control.And therefore they make a beautiful composition. If these colours were in random irregular shapes, then they would create chaos and spoil the composition of this wall unit.